Public Portion Minutes 1/27

[Honor Council] Minutes from [January, 2013, 1/27/2013]
Members Present: All
Members Absent: None
Public Portion Guests: None
Tamar: Let’s start with a moment of silence.
William walks in.
Tamar: Okay, let’s all go around and introduce ourselves.
All 17 people introduce themselves.
William: We are all going to be on time this semester including Henrik and Joost.
William and Tamar explain why it’s important to be on time as well as the way consensus and Reduced Council work.
William and Tamar explain Jon’s role and ask him to leave while we discuss what Council wants the Librarian’s role to be this semester.
Austin: I think we should also have the librarian help move us along if Council gets stuck on one point and can’t move on.
William: I think I would feel more comfortable if we asked him to summarize points of discussion. I think that’s a bit safer, because if he says “did you consider this also” it starts to be his opinion and that’s a dangerous road.
Ryan: Maybe he could write down times when we start or end discussions.
Damon: I like the idea of summarizing.
Ann: I liked when Max brought up relevant past cases. Obviously we’re not a precedent based body but I think it’s nice to know what happened in the past.
William: I think it’s important that he has that option too because we often dump the idea of knowing precedence on the Librarian.
William: Another question is whether the role of the Librarian should be different in Public/Private portion because all community members are available during Public portion. Past councils have generally said he can do anything he wants during public portion.
Max: I would hate to make anyone sit through a 3 hour meeting and not speak. That was awful.
Tamar: In summary of our role:
During Public he can speak… just specify whether speaking as community or librarian
Speak on past cases
Give time stamps
Give summary of discussion if asked
Consensus reached!!!
William: We are going to start forming committees. We don’t quite know who’s doing what yet. If you have a preference for a committee existing or one we’ve had in the past, you can let us know.
William and Tamar. Abstract discussions this week. You should all go.

These minutes reflect the opinions of Brian Guggenheiemr and Janela Harris, the Honor Council Co-Secretaries (bguggenh@hc or jharris@hc) and are neither approved nor reviewed by the rest of Council. Questions/comments? Email code@hc!

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